138: I Smell a Rat

It’s been a weird couple of weeks for your beloved Spotless hosts, but we rallied (ish) to bring you a somewhat rollicking show. We kick it off with the unfortunate news that evidently, hot rat turds smell like burning plastic and that some rodent or another was using my car’s cabin filter “as a toilet” (that’s what the professional person said so that’s the technical term I guess).

Listen to the whole thing:

In other news, we discussed Almond Moms (and whatever the cleaning version might be), how a minor push in the right direction can finally get you in gear, and, of course, the way we’re turning to cleaning to retain our sanity (or what’s left of it) in These Difficult Times.

Got something to tell us? Want your very own number? Call the Spotline. You know the drill.

Hanna Brooks Olsen