109: You're Doing Crate, Sweetie!

I don’t know what’s more unhinged: The fact that Ty-D-Bol used a little man who looked like he auditioned for Gilligan’s Island but looked too much like an NPC for the role, or the fact that the brand spelled its name Ty-D-Bol. Because… Tidy Bowl was taken? Because the founder’s name was Ty D. Bol? Because his government name was Tyson Delano Boliniski?

There are just so many questions. And don’t even start me on the fact that the dude’s name is Larry Sprinkle.

In other news, Mexico evidently has a whole genre of soap that we have do not: It’s creamy cleanser for dishes and it has, per Andrew, “a little bit of grit.” He’s looking to reunite with this long-lost love. Will he? We’ll all find out.

Listen to the entire episode here:

Additionally, we were curious about whether or not ~ letting it mellow ~ is actually good for the earth and the short answer is yes, but it’s also understandable if you are not super into allowing pee to just like, hang out in the bowl. Really, this is between you, your housemates, your god, and your feelings of responsibility toward Mother Earth.

Speaking of being one with the planet, are you a person who lets other people use your trash can? We’re a house divided on this one. But what we’re unified in is out feeling that this commercial is ACTUALLY NOT THAT FUNNY.

Related: Keith said he would label our trash bins once we buy a house so if anyone knows of a very reliable stencil-maker, do let me know because I’d like to get him a little gift when/if we do finally take the jump.

Also, this is Cosmo, the turd-covered dog that is staying with us currently. Just for reference.

Hanna Brooks Olsen