115: Two Bongs Don't Make A Right

HEMOCLIP. THAT WAS THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR. I can’t believe Andrew had never heard of this tool which is very popular with pre-meds who smoke a lot of weed. Or at least it used to be. Probably. I’ve never done a single drug.*

ANYWAY, in addition to the Great Spaghetti Question of 2023 - which is, honestly, one of the best voicemails maybe ever? - this week’s show also includes a lengthy conversation about weed.

Listen to the whole thing here:

OH AND ALSO LOLLLLLLLLL no this is not Nature’s Miracle. It is not. But there sure is a lot going on with this logo!

Also on today’s podcast:

We went into a pretty interesting conversation about how to meet others on their level. So what are your thoughts? Do you clean extra for your cleaner friends - and is it a good idea to keep your house a little more scattered if the person coming over isn’t especially tidy themselves?

This also lead into a discussion of something we hear about A LOT: If you’re a less-than-tidy person, should you feel bad about yourself? Our answer, always, is NO. OF COURSE NOT. Because everyone is dealing with their own stuff and everyone has they own understanding and threshold.

However, as we always say, if you’re trying to neaten up your act, the best thing to do is start with one specific area or one particular problem spot and tackle little things at a time. Address messy behaviors or practices that lead to messes (i.e. if you always have dishes in the sink, is it because you’re not loading and unloading the dishwasher? Who can you delegate that to? If you don’t have a dishwasher, how can you figure out a system?), rather than beating yourself up over The Big Mess.

Per usual, we love to hear from you. How are you preventing messes, or which messes are you feeling overhwhelmed by? Or how are you getting spaghetti off the floor? Or how do you clean the bong?

You know the Spotline: 508-HOW-WASH.

*This is a lie.

Hanna Brooks Olsen