114: Pet Projects

So, to be clear: Andrew has not been using Nature’s Miracle. All this time, he thought that’s what he was using to clean up pet messes. But in fact, he has been duped. He’s been had. By a bunch of ROWDY FRIENDS.

Graphic design is also my passion, Bubba. But either way, whatever you use, we all know pets require a lot of extra attention. Sometimes, though, they’re helpful! Bingo the Cat likes to make the bed (or, rather, be made INTO the bed) and Lola the Foster Dog places herself extremely close to the dishwasher for…reasons?

In other news, today we also learned (the hard way) why it’s called a “flea market.” Sometimes, life is just a little too on-the-nose. Listen here:

One of the other things we talked about in this episode is the kinds of infrastructure needed to prevent pet messes. Some options are:

Additionally, my sister called in to talk about DE (not even going to try to mangle that word) and the ways it works (and doesn’t) and it reminded me of these DE dish mats that appear to be made of magic? I’m very curious about them! But I’m also not made of money!

However, I do have a very nominal amount of spending change, so this week I’m going to be testing out the viral Uproot hair removal and will let you all know how it goes.

As always, we love to hear from you! Call us on the Spotline: 508-HOW-WASH. XOXOXO

Hanna Brooks Olsen