135: Every Clog Has Its Day

Alternative headlines for today’s show include: Clog Day Afternoon, Let Sleeping Clogs Lie, Clog Damnit, and The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Clog.

Anyway, this week we chatted about the mystery that is “fingerprint resistant” stainless steel and whether or not it’s actually fingerprint resistant. It got me thinking about how the worst invention literally ever Cyber Truck is an absolute nightmare to clean. Which literally anyone who’s ever had to clean their own kitchen could’ve told you, but this is why cartoonishly evil billionaires should not be in charge of one single thing on the face of this earth.

Unrelated: I’m not telling you that, if you see one of these monstrosities in the wild, you should let your kids touch all over it with their grimy-ass fingers but…I’m not not saying that, you know?

Also unrelated to things that suck: Yes, you can unclog your bathtub with a ShopVac. Yes, really! Here’s a link to tell you how you might do that.

Speaking of kids: MOP HOCKEY! I love this idea. I came up with a couple of other cool chore games that might get kids into helping out:

  • Sockset Ball: Kids have to race to match up socks and then shoot them into the hamper/basket. Winner doesn’t have to sort the rest of the laundry.

  • Dishwasher Roundup: Whoever can collect the most dishes from around the house gets a prize. The loser has to load the dishwasher (but they’re still very good).

  • Vacuum Artist: Sprinkle carpet refresher (or just baking soda) onto the carpet. Make beautiful designs as you vacuum it up.

What else have you got? Call the Spotline!

And lastly, let’s talk about this whole “how to clean glass top stoves” thing. Might you burn your towel? Yeah, you might. But you might also make cleaning your range a lot easier! Here’s one link to a potential method. Let us know if this is something you’ve ever done!

Hanna Brooks Olsen