134: Auld Lang Grime

A couple of weeks ago, I was squashing my body between the bodies of other desperate, last-minute shoppers strolling the aisles at TJ Maxx in the pursuit of something that might work to clean my car. Importantly, I did find something for it, but that’s not the point of this story. The point of this story is that as I was cruising the cleaning-supplies-and-also-coffee-syrups-because-is-TJ-Maxx-OK? aisle, my eyes landed upon a gentle face.

She had kind eyes that were both inviting and also a little playful. She looked like the kind of woman who could get a red wine stain out of the most lily-white carpet. She looked like a woman who had…secrets.

Although I may have gotten that impression because it’s literally in the name.

To paraphrase the Bard the early 2000s Australian pop duo Savage Garden, I knew I loved her before I met her. And certainly before I took her home because at $5.99 it was like, too good of a bargain.

I can’t say whether Grandma will fully replace my beloved Folex - though the Secret seems to be a truly lovely citrus scent, which Folex is NOT bringing to the table - nor can I really say that I needed another stain remover. But I’m excited for this new chapter in our life together.

Listen to the episode here:

Now, because Grandma’s website is…um….a little hinky, I can’t link out to it. But you can find it at basically any site (including Jeff’s Discout Emporium i.e. Amazon, but I won’t be linking to that, either).

We also talked about whether or not you should mop with boiling water (sorry listener, but…..no) and how to make little swaps in your new year.

Good luck in 2024, listeners! We’re keeping our same energy but cutting ourselves more breaks because life is too hard to sweat the small stuff. Except small stuff like baseboards. I will continue to care about those.

Hanna Brooks Olsen