140: Filter Down!

Pizza: the one thing that we have in common with rats. That and that apparently we appreciate a private, dry place to relieve ourselves.

Well, it happened. I had to change my own cabin filter. And actually, it was super easy. But any satisfaction I may have enjoyed from hosing it out in the driveway was quashed by the extreme grossness of having to remove the little turds that had been acting as a kind of oil diffuser for my car.

So…you know. I’ll be dousing my car in peppermint oil for the foreseeable. It’s kind of like an anointment, or sprinkling a circle of salt around the something for protection. Except, you know. With rats.

Listen to the pod here:

In other news, we also discussed ~ cleaning mantras ~ on this week’s episode and it inspired me to put some into a truly hideous graphic design, so you can find those on Instagram.

Also, we got a question about hard water. And honestly, we might not have been that helpful, but it seems like the best way to get on top of hard water stains, especially rusty ones, include:

  • Vinegar (duh)

  • Something abrasive (Brillo, baking soda, pumice stone)

  • CLR or a similar cleaner meant to break down or counteract mineral deposits

  • Toothpaste? Maybe?

Do you have any hot tips for hard water? I’d mentioned on the show that Keith has a hard water preventing showerhead (which, again, I don’t know that we really need? But it makes him feel better!). These come at an array of price points, so choose your own adventure, I guess. Here’s a list of some from Forbes.

Oh, and one last thing! Don’t chemical burn your fingers like Andrew did! This should go without saying but I guess not!!! If you’re stripping old nast off of your grill please, please wear gloves. Hearty ones. Seriously.

Hanna Brooks Olsen