55: A Case of the Forget-Me-Pots


Ok, most people would immediately know how to pronounce this but in case you’re like Andrew and you need a YouTube video, it’s BLEACH WHITE. Anyway, it works on both tires AND crusty-pitted t-shirts according to a listener and her grandfather’s specially-sewn v-necks.

Listen to see if Andrew can say it (spoiler: he can!):

In other news, SOSOS is back! And we have a listener with SEVERAL problems, including (but not limited to):

  • Dishes!

  • Dishes in the wrong place!

  • A pot left outside!

  • Old turkey goo!

How should she approach it? Are we looking at a horse head situation? So many questions.

And also, we learned about the SHE System (which, by the way, has had a ~ makeover ~ and is now called Club Organized. UHHHH WHERE DO I JOIN???). But back in the day it had this look which, TBH, is a design look that we can really get behind.

SHE lost the curlers and gained ALL THAT CONFIDENCE!

SHE lost the curlers and gained ALL THAT CONFIDENCE!

Now, we need to hear from you: Cleaning supplies as presents? It’s time to have this discussion again. Tell us what you think! Call the Spotline: 508-HOW-WASH.

Hanna Brooks Olsen