112: With Great Shower Comes Great Responsibility

For one, this episode does not include me talking about how I watch TV in the shower but don’t worry, I am definitely still very into that.

Instead, today’s episode includes my own moral superiority (and so much of it!), Andrew talking kind of a lot about hot dogs, and a really cool tip about a shower curtain. Listen:

Meanwhile, I noted to Andrew that there are some very cool shower-grabbers that you can get for your tub. You can even get them on Etsy. I mean look at these! It’s frickin’ bats!

We also learned about these hookless shower curtains that might not mean my certain death and make changing out the liner much easier. AND one of our listeners - who is really good at PREVENTING messes, not just cleaning them up, recommended a super-smart idea for easy cleanup: Cafeteria trays!

You can get these bad dudes at a restaurant supply store or possibly from your local second hand shop. And they’re so versatile! I’m thinking about finding some - but you’d better make sure they all match or else Andrew will die.

How are you preventing messes? Send us your tips! 508-HOW-WASH is the number.

Hanna Brooks Olsen