83: Life Imitates Cuisinart

Being a renter is, in general, a big fat fart. No matter how many articles the NYT publishes to try to convince young people that it’s a magical, footloose and fancy free way to live your, the fact is that renting generally sucks. It’s expensive, you don’t establish equity, and more often than not, you’re stuck with appliances that you would not personally choose.

But then every now and then the Landlord Angels open their mouths and sing an intoxicating song called “here’s a new dishwasher that is fucking I N C R E D I B L E.”

That day is today, at least for me (HBO). Listen to today’s episode:

In other news, we discussed some life choices that we’re both making, including Andrew’s ongoing ice capers, and we attempted to help a listener with a nasty-but-very-fancy air fryer/toaster oven/personal assistant.

Here’s the video we found from Cuisinart regarding cleaning your machine:

Now here’s a question that we got into for the listeners to ponder: If you had to go without one appliance, what would you jettison? Microwave? Garbage disposal? Dishwasher? We want to hear. Call the Spotline and tell us.

Also, if you haven’t reviewed us on iTunes, we would REALLY love it if you did! It really does help spread the word!

Hanna Brooks Olsen