32: Sponge, Counter Sponge

Everyone be patient with Andrew — he was recently traumatized by a workplace situation that was unexpected, horrifying, and, frankly, puzzling.


Unfortunately, Andrew is employed by a different public radio network than Tom Bodett who, it seems, would relish the opportunity to right this wrong.

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We also discussed a great tip from listener Courtney about how to wash THINX, AND we dove into the great InstaPot debate AGAIN.

Listen here:

Plus, we have a new episode of Rated C for Clean which leaves us with one massive question: What happened to the salad?

This week, we want to hear from you (call us! 508-HOW-WASH!) about how to get kids to clean. What chores do you assign the kiddos in your life? How do you make sure that, as a parent, you’re not also the designated house cleaner?

Let us know!

Hanna Brooks Olsen