31: A 'Zyme of the Times

But is there a Mrs. Muscle? Hmmmmmm?

But is there a Mrs. Muscle? Hmmmmmm?

Pip pip, cheerio! Hanna’s back from her trip to Scotland and she has some things to report. Chief among them: Their version of Mr. Clean is way better. And what does “bio” and “non-bio” mean? And why are all the cleaning products at Tesco labeled with it?

Listen here:

Plus, we’ve got a million voicemails, including a rare appearance from Hanna’s Dad, and Andrew found a very fun list of ways to get rust off of pans. VERY FUN. LIKE WEIRDLY FUN. You can find that list here. Also, listeners weigh in on the importance of an InstaPot and Andrew has self-diagnosed with a condition called Soup Shirt but it’s not what you think.

What is this mystery object? Find out on today’s show!

What is this mystery object? Find out on today’s show!

And! We mentioned a lot of visual-type things on the show today. The best way to find them is on Instagram, where we are now! Follow us! You’ll like it a lot!

Welcome to the new year, Scrub Jockeys, where we resolve to do exactly nothing differently unless we realize that our systems aren’t working and we need to reconsider our entire lives.

Important links:


Bio/Non-bio clarification

The ~science~ behind rust and how to remove it


Hanna Brooks Olsen